Please read these terms carefully, and print and keep a copy of them for your reference. These are the terms under which Living-Water Limited (˜Company’) do business. They do not affect your statutory rights. They are designed to set out clearly the Company’s responsibilities and your rights.

1. Definitions

In these terms and conditions (hereinafter collectively referred to as ˜Conditions’):

1.1 ˜Company’ means Living-Water Limited.

1.2 ˜Buyer’ means you, the corporate entity or individual purchasing Products from the Company.

1.3 ˜Contract’ means any contracts made between the Company and the Buyer for the sale and purchase of Products which shall include (but not limited to) contracts entered into between the Parties arising from Orders.

1.4 ˜Faults’ means faults as defined in order and returns.

1.5 ˜Products’ mean any product, article or item which the Company sells (including part or parts of it).

1.6 ˜Order’ means any order (whether oral and written) for Products made by the Buyer to the Company including those made through the Website.

1.7 ˜Parties’ mean the Company and the Buyer.

1.8 ˜Website’ means or such variations to the name of the aforesaid domain name.

1.9 In these Conditions, references to any statute or statutory provision shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to that statute or statutory provision as from time to time amended, consolidated, modified, extended, re-enacted or replaced.

2. Terms of Acceptance

2.1 The Buyer agrees that these Conditions shall be the exclusive basis on which any Contracts made between the Company and Buyer are transacted and processed unless otherwise agreed in writing by the manager of the Company.

2.2 These Conditions shall not create any agency or partnership between the Parties or any third party.

2.3 Any quotations and/or estimates given by the Company shall be deemed as an ˜invitation to treat’ and not an offer. A Contract is formed between the Buyer and the Company when (and not before) the Company notifies the Buyer by e-mail, fax, letter and/or electronically that the Buyer’s Order has been accepted.

2.4 The Parties agree that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply in any Contracts.

3. Notice

3.1 Any notice required to be given to the Company shall be given by email, fax or first class post addressed to the Company’ trading address.

4. Law and Jurisdiction

4.1 These Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the English Courts shall have jurisdiction.