UK Water Delivery
At Living-Water we take pride in our ability to provide the best water delivery service in London.

Although we started out as a London office water delivery company, over time our client base has extended and we now service customers in Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Bristol and Leicester.
In these areas we supply both plumbed in coolers (also known as POU coolers) and bottled water cooler solutions.
With bottled coolers we started out supplying existing London water cooler customers working in tandem with our preferred local partner to ensure the client continues to enjoy the service levels we already provide.
As both a founding member of the European Independent Mains and Bottled Cooler Association and the BWCA (Bottled Water Cooler Association) we have a wide network of partner companies across the UK and into many other European countries. The affiliations the EIMBCA and BWCA has helped us build ensures that regardless of where you are, we will be able to deliver a great office water system for you.