Will Drinking Lots of Water Make Me Look Younger?A good intake of water daily is vital for virtually every function within the human body, yet only around 20% of us drinks sufficient water on a regular basis.

The mother of two young children in the UK who was suffering from regular headaches and poor and sluggish indigestion decided to take the heed of advice given by medical professionals to drink more water on a daily basis.

Sarah decided to drink 3 litres of water daily for an entire month to see whether what the doctors were telling her was true; that her headaches and digestive problems were due to dehydration because she was not drinking sufficient water regularly.

Looking in the mirror, she realised that the profusion of wrinkles, dark shadows under and around her eyes, reddish blotches, and pale lustreless skin made her look at least ten years older, and did not like what she was seeing.

She spread the water out during the day so that it did not seem such an enormous task; starting off with a large of water in the morning, one in the afternoon and a last one during the course of the evening.

It was not long before Sarah started feeling the positive effects of drinking sufficient water on a daily basis; her urine was virtually clear, and her bowel function was greatly improved. Although she also experienced sudden skin breakouts at this stage, she realised that it was all good as it was the water that was eliminating toxins from her body. She also had no more headaches and her early morning joint stiffness was also a thing of the past.

By the end of the month, there was a marked improvement in her complexion and skin tone, her stomach was flat and her skin was less wrinkled, and she was fitter and leaner than ever before because she was actually eating less too.

So, the answer to the question: Will drinking lots of water make me look younger? is an unequivocal YES!

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