After conducting research, it has been established that the most common reasons for individuals not drinking enough water are the following:
- Poor tasting (yuk)
- Taste of cleaning chemicals
- Water is ˜dead’ having been constantly recycled
- Warm and unappetising
- Not recommended for people with weak immune systems (bacteria levels in the water put them at risk)
- Leaking and old lead pipes designed at the turn of the century for far smaller populations – privatisation led to cuts in investment by water companies and they are now trying to raise additional funds to bring the pipe network into the 21st century
- Varying levels of chemicals dependent upon where the consumer is situated (acid, chlorine, lime, iron – cloudy water suggests too much iron)
- Risks of chlorine and associated cancer link
- Eczema has increased in recent years possibly in line with changes to the water quality
- Fluorodisation of the water supply in some areas (thousands of websites are devoted to the dangers of fluoridisation) – Dr Arvid Carlsson in Sweden won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2000 for identifying the dangers to children’s brains through water fluorodisation and results showed in Holland 4% of adults suffered adverse effects and the program was stopped
- The public water supply is a very easy terrorist target
- Chemical spills and scares
- Leeching fertilizers enter the water system
- Bacteria and micro-organisms are a constant threat to the public water system – for example the pigeon that feeds from the rubbish dump and then drinks from the ˜clean’ reservoir, the rat that runs down the water pipes
- Contraceptive oestregen is prevalent in the water system – so if having problems with pregnancy avoid the public water system
- Lugging bottled water from the supermarket is cumbersome and expensive – it also takes up a lot of room in the fridge
Get office water cooler rentals in London and home water dispensers from Living-Water.