If you are one of the billions of individuals who drink litres and litres of bottled water annually, then you need to take note of the following information regarding what you are drinking and how it is affecting your health and the planet.

Bottled water has become extremely popular over the past few decades as more people realise that drinking tap water is not healthy because of the methods and chemicals used to make it safe for us to drink but which are highly carcinogenic.

Unfortunately, drinking bottled water may not be as healthy as you think it is, and it is definitely not healthy for the planet:

  • Many brands of bottled water that claims to be bottled from underground springs or natural spring water that originates in the mountains are often just purified municipal water and lack essential minerals;

  • Most plastic water bottles are not recycled and end up in landfills all over the globe where they leach toxins, polluting the earth and taking forever to disintegrate

  • Purifying, bottling and shipping bottled water uses vast quantities of water, effectively destroying the water source and leaving the locals water-stressed;

  • Some bottled water brands like Dasani and Aquafina are nothing more than cleaned-up city water; and

  • Some plastic water bottles can leach dangerous toxins into your water.

The best water to drink is naturally pure and contains naturally occurring minerals, such as natural spring water that flows up from a natural spring or an artesian well. This water contains essential minerals and nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, and sodium, which our bodies need for virtually every function, especially our adrenals.

It is, therefore, best to drink spring water, and even better to drink it from a water cooler than from plastic bottles that end up in landfills. This is eminently possible by purchasing a bottled water cooler from Living-Water, London’s premier water supplier. Living-Water bottled water coolers dispense crystal clear Living-Water natural spring water which is sourced from a deep, underground spring, where it has been filtered through the geologically famous Wenlock rock strata for eons and which contains an excellent balance of minerals.