Why Should I Drink More Water?If you are still not drinking enough water on a daily basis then you need to take stock and see why it is vital that you change your habits and start drinking more water today!

Drinking water is vital to your good health and nothing can replace what it does in the human body. Your body is around 70% water, but because the body cannot store water and is constantly losing water via sweating, urination, breathing and various other bodily functions, it is imperative that you drink water regularly to replace that which has been lost.

Why Should I Drink More Water?

Drinking water or not drinking water affects every single cell in your body in some way or the other. If you have been looking old and drawn lately; if your skin is very dry; if your joints are aching; if you are always feeling fatigued or have constant headaches, it is a sign that you are dehydrated and need to drink more water.

You need to drink more water because:

  • Skin: Drinking water is great for your skin because it keeps it moisturised from the inside, making it look plumper, wrinkle-free and younger;
  • Weight: Drinking water, especially about an hour before meals, helps you lose weight as it suppresses the appetite and also helps your body burn stored fat.
  • Fluid Retention: Drinking water on a regular basis will prevent your body retaining fluid which it does when it is dehydrated and doesn’t know when it is going to get water again;
  • Muscles: Drinking sufficient water on a regular basis helps build muscles because water carries oxygen to all the cells of your body, including to your muscles. Water enables your muscles to work harder and longer;
  • Brain: Drinking water can make you smarter because it increases your cognitive function. Your brain needs water because it needs the oxygen in the water;
  • Nervous System: Drinking water supports nerve function, s it ensures that your electrolyte levels remain at the required levels necessary for them to relay messages to and from the brain; and
  • Joints: Drinking water ensures that your joints remain lubricated and able to easily move. Water also cushions your joints (as well as your brain) from injury that could be caused by bumps and blunt force trauma.

If you don’t like drinking tap water, invest in a water cooler which will provide easy access to pure, great-tasting drinking water on a virtually constant basis.

Buy a water cooler online or rent a water dispenser from Living-Water Ltd. Get a free water cooler trial or water needs assessment for the home or office.