Why Not Tap Water?Living-Water has many satisfied clients from corporate with many coolers to small business with a single cooler.

Living-Water is all about relationship and adding quality to life. We are here to partner with you in your business. Whether you are domestic, office, retail, hospitality or catering, we will be able to meet your water cooler needs.

Our Mission 

  • Maintaining and improving customer’s quality of life
  • Building lasting relationships with our customers
  • Providing you with the after sales service that is so often lacking in business.
  • Educating customers on water quality

Why is Tap water no longer good for you?

In London, just as in the rest of the world has a lack of clean drinking water. Daily we read and hear that the state of our tap water, does no longer comply with the set standards.

Living-Water would like to encourage you to ensure that you and your family and staff members has access to clean drinking water from your water cooler.

We don’t intend to drink harmful chemicals. With every glass of tap water we drink, we are consuming copious amounts of chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride and hundreds of other life-threatening contaminants.

Fluoride is used to make rat poison and other insecticides, Chlorine was used in world war one to kill people, yet we obliviously drink these harmful chemicals on a daily basis. People who drink chlorinated water have a 93% higher risk of cancer than those who drink pure water.

Buy bottled water coolers and mains fed water coolers in London.