Why must I drink water if I am not thirsty? is a refrain that I often hear from my children, but adults also often ask the same question, not understanding the importance of water to the human body.
Water can be found in every single cell in the human body; it actually makes up around 70% of your total body-weight. The body cannot store water, and we lose water continuously throughout the day via perspiration, urination, vacating our bowels and yes, even just from breathing. This water needs to be constantly replaced or we become dehydrated.
The problem is that most of us are unaware that by the time we feel thirsty we are already around 2% dehydrated. Most times when we feel thirsty we reach for anything but water; a nice cold beer, a long carbonated soda, a juice, or a cup of tea or coffee.
While these drinks may slake our thirst for a few minutes, have you ever wondered why they don’t actually cool you down for more than a minute or two? The reason is that the body needs water to regulate core body temperature, and if you are dehydrating and don’t actually drink pure water, it cannot do that.
Why Must I Drink Water if I am Not Thirsty?
The answer to that question is very simple; because your body needs water in order to remain healthy and function at its peak. If you do not drink water your body will become dehydrated and the various muscles and organs will be unable to perform.
Although you can get around 20% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of fluid from other drinks and from water-rich fruit and vegetables, the majority should be from drinking water.
Why must I drink water if I am not thirsty? You need to drink water because the body needs it for the following:
- Water aids weight loss
- Water is a natural wrinkle-buster
- Water prevents headaches and dizziness
- Water keeps your skin clear
- Water flushes out toxins
- Water helps the immune system fight infections
- Water keeps you regular
- Water helps you exercise better and harder
- Water helps improve concentration
- Water gives you an energy boost
- Water supports good heart health
If the reason that you or your children do not like to drink water is because of the smell or taste, try investing in a water cooler. Water coolers are great because they provide you with lovely chilled, thirst-quenching, healthy and toxin-free drinking water virtually 24/7. The water looks great, smells great and tastes even better, and kids love water coolers too because to them it is like using a vending machine, except they do not have to insert any money to get a nice chilled drink.
Get London water delivery service from Living-Water. Buy bottled water coolers and mains fed coolers from Living-Water.