Why Must I Drink Water Even Though I Drink Other Fluids?We are offered so many choices of drinks in today’s world, everything from carbonated drinks to juices, bottled water of every type and flavour, energy drinks, alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, flavoured iced teas, sports drinks, flavoured milk, and what seems like a gazillion more, so why are there still people walking around dehydrated?

The main reason could be due to the fact that no matter how many other fluids we drink, the human body cannot function without water, and nothing can take its place.

Why Must I Drink Water Even Though I Drink Other Fluids?

The human body consists of around 70% water, and because the body cannot store water, we need to drink water on a regular basis to replace that which we lose due to normal bodily functions.

While it was always thought that all of our daily fluid needs must come from drinking water, this belief has been debunked of late by the medical profession. Some of our daily liquid needs CAN come from other fluids such as tea, juices and the like as well as from eating water-rich fruits and vegetables, but at least 80% must still come from drinking pure water.

Your body needs water to formulate and grow every single cell in it, as well as to perform the following functions:

  • Assist with your digestive process;
  • Boost your brainpower;
  • Boost your immune system;
  • Build muscles and keep them working harder and longer;
  • Cleanse your body of toxins;
  • Increase your cognitive function;
  • Keep your blood at the correct viscosity so that it can easily pass through your veins and not put a strain on hour heart;
  • Lubricate your joints and keep them working perfectly;
  • Maintain a moisturised and young-looking skin;
  • Maintain the correct PH balance in your body;
  • Protect your brain and joints from injury;
  • Transport the nutrients and oxygen in the water to all the cells in your body; and much more

Whereas we all grew up being told that we need to drink 8 glasses of water per day, modern-day medicine says that water needs are individual and dependent on each person’s lifestyle, gender, age, health, exercise regimen, climate, and various other factors.

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