There are a few schools of thought regarding the appropriate temperature of the water that you consume before, during, or after exercise. Some people believe that it should be ice cold, while others believe that it should be at the same temperature as your body, and still others believe that it doesn’t make a difference either way.

A study that was conducted at the American College of Sports Medicine and another that was published in The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, a journal that is based in the United Kingdom, both found that chilly temperatures were superior.

Why it’s Beneficial to Drink Cold Water Before, During, and After Exercise

According to the findings of the numerous studies that have been conducted, it is recommended to consume cold water either before or during physical activity for the following reasons:

It is healthier for you to consume water that is cold because your body can absorb it far more quickly than it can absorb water that is at room temperature or at your own body temperature.

The body is able to take in cold water lot more quickly because it travels through the digestive tract much more quickly and reaches the intestines much quicker when it is consumed cold. After intense exercise, during which you lose a lot of fluid, this makes it possible for you to rehydrate much more quickly.

Research at Athletes’ Performance, conducted on 45 men while they were training, came to the conclusion that those who drank cold water performed significantly better in the tests, and that the rise in their core body temperature was delayed by at least 30 minutes. The research was conducted on male athletes. This results in less fatigue as well as tension associated to heat.

Drinking water that is cold has a significantly more pleasing flavour and gives the impression that it satisfies one’s thirst more effectively, both of which are conducive to an individual drinking more water after exercise. By doing so, you prevent the risk of becoming dehydrated, which could result in serious consequences for your health.

The Fallacy of Cancer
The belief that consuming cold water after exercise would increase one’s risk of developing cancer persisted for a significant amount of time. This is NOT the case at all!

Participants in the British study who drank water at a temperature below room temperature were able to exercise for 25 percent longer than those who drank water at a temperature above room temperature.

Investing in a Living-Water water cooler for your home and office is the best way to guarantee that you will always have access to the water with the best flavour, which is also the water that is the freshest and which is the water that is the coolest to drink before, during, or after your exercise routine. If the location of your sport does not already have a water cooler, you should also petition them to get one. Living-Water currently provides water coolers to a significant number of fitness centres in the United Kingdom. One such centre is Bodydoctor, which is regarded as the premier fitness centre in London and is frequented by famous people from the entertainment industry.