Just as a motor vehicle needs oil to lubricate the moving parts and petrol to move it, the human body needs water to do both.
It also needs food for energy and growth, but can do without food for far longer than it can go without water.
Water is essential for life and for the human body to function optimally, but the body cannot store water so it is imperative that we drink water every day to replace the fluids lost via sweating, breathing, urinating and vacating the bowels.
The human body needs water to:
- Keep the skin moisturised
- Carry oxygen and nutrients to all cells
- Cushion and lubricate joints
- Thin the blood enough so that it can easily flow through the blood vessels
- Aid with digestion and prevent the bowels from becoming constipated
- Regulate the body’s temperature through perspiring
- Maintain the health and integrity of each cell in the body
- Keep the mucous membranes in the lungs and mouth moist
- Act as a shock absorber in the spinal cord, the eyes, and in the amniotic sac during pregnancy
- Keep the bladder free of infection, thereby reducing the risk of cystitis
- Assist in the elimination of the body’s by-products such as electrolytes like sodium and potassium and urea
Why It Is a Good Idea to Invest In a Water Cooler for Your Home
Many people do not like drinking water from a tap because it often tastes and smells not so good, and tap water can also be rather warm and not thirst-quenching so they rather drink cold carbonated drinks.
Although you can get some of the fluids the body needs from fruit and vegetables and from beverages like tea, coffee and juices, drinking water is still the best way to replenish lost bodily fluids.
Investing in a home water cooler will ensure that you always have fresh, chilled, great-tasting water on tap 24/7. This will encourage you and other members of the household to drink more of the elixir of life – water!
Children normally do not like to drink water, and it is especially important for them to drink water because their young bodies are still growing and need water to help their cells form and their bodies grow.
Most tap water has fluoride in it and many studies have proved that fluoride may be good for teeth and bones but it is also a carcinogenic and therefore not something that you want your children to drink.
Living-Water has a range of both bottled water coolers and mains water coolers:
Living-Water˜s bottled water coolers are filled with spring water from source in the Wentlock region, located on the border of the Welsh Marches in the South Shropshire Hills. This water has been filtered for thousands of years and is crystal clear, pure and sweet tasting. Living-Water is a soft water that is low in calcium and magnesium and which has a perfect PH balance of 7.5.
The mains water coolers are plumbed directly into the main water line and can be fitted with a filter so that all toxins are filtered out long before the water reaches your glass. All water coolers are manufactured using only top-of-the-range materials and the most modern technology.
Living-Water is the top water company serving the Greater London area and is a full member of the European Independent Mains and Bottled Cooler Association (EIMBCA) and the British Water Cooler Association (BWCA).
Better Health Channel