We humans are very clever and innovative, yet we persist in destroying mother earth in various ways, including the very thing that gives and sustains life; our water. We are failing dismally to look after this precious natural resource of ours and if we do not do something about that we will all suffer in the future.

We have treated our rivers, lakes and oceans wit total disregard for many centuries, with the result that the whole world is currently facing water pollution problems and many areas are experiencing droughts, water shortages or water scarcity. Together with changing climate patterns, this is all threatening our very existence.

Why is it Important to Look after Our Water?

One of the biggest health risks and the cause of millions of deaths every year, especially in developing countries, is polluted water. Rainwater used to be a good source of fresh water, but these days it is polluted with an untold number of toxins, bacteria, and even dangerous chemicals.

Our lakes, rivers, ponds, oceans and even our groundwater is polluted from a general lack of regard for nature, industry runoff, factory farms, oil spills, fracking, and bad ecological practices. Even though the drinking water that is piped into our homes has been treated, it can still contain toxins such as rust from aging infrastructure, pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, and even the chemicals meant to purify the water.

Approximately 10 000 children below the age of five die in developing countries every single day due to drinking polluted water and inadequate sanitation. This is unacceptable!  Freshwater animals are becoming extinct as they are being poisoned by the toxins in the water, and our sea creatures are not far behind.

So what can you do about the state of the water? Firstly, invest in a water cooler that can provide you with not only chilled filtered water but also ambient and hot water for all your drinking water needs. Apart from that, reuse, recycle and save water where you can, and do not litter.

Do yourself a favour and contact Living-Water, London’s favourite water company, for a free water-needs assessment today.