Global drinking water standards are published by the European Union (EU) and by the World Health Organization (WHO), over and above which every country has its own drinking water standards, stating which most countries abide by the Global Drinking Water Standards as published by the European Union (EU) and by the World Health Organization (WHO) apart from their own standards set by each individual country for their own drinking water.

These standards mandate the substances that are allowed to be in the drinking water and the maximum contaminant levels of these substances.

Why is Drinking Demineralised Water Unhealthy?

A 2004 WHO report, entitled www.who .int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/nutrientschap12.pdf stated that consuming water of low mineral content has a negative effect on homeostasis mechanisms, compromising the mineral and water metabolism in the body.

According to this report, it is unhealthy to drink demineralised water because:

  • Demineralised water damages as lead and copper surfaces such as plumbing, bottles, fittings, and tanks, dissolving the metals and contaminating the drinking water;
  • Demineralised water does not contain the essential minerals our bodies require for optimum health and which we normally get from our drinking water;
  • Demineralised water negatively affects various aspects of our biology;
  • Demineralised water that is used to make baby formula or for food preparation or cooking actually strips our food of essential minerals;
  • Higher levels of magnesium in drinking water decrease the risks for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and especially for sudden death from CVD. Demineralised water is deficient in both calcium and magnesium;
  • Drinking water low in magnesium may also be associated with an increased risk of pregnancy disorders (preeclampsia), sudden death syndrome in infants (SIDS), motor neuronal disease, and various types of cancer;
  • Drinking soft water, which is low in calcium (as demi-water is), is also associated with pre-term birth and low weight at birth, various types of cancer, certain cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and a higher risk of bone fracture in children.

By drinking water that has been stripped of its minerals in an effort to make it pure we are doing our bodies and our health a disservice. If you want to drink pure water, look no further than a bottled water cooler from Living-Water, which contains Living-Water Spring Water, sourced and bottled in the heart of the Wenlock range, a designated area of outstanding natural beauty, and a SSSI (Special Site of Scientific Interest).

If you prefer a mains-plumbed water cooler, Living-Water POU water coolers fitted with their Triple Activated Carbon Filters are just the ticket. Get water cooler accessories today!