Water is life-giving, life-sustaining, thirst-quenching, pure, and an element that no living thing can survive without. Plants need water to grow, and all living creatures need water to sustain life. We humans consist of between 70% and 80% water; it exists in every single cell in our bodies.
Without water to cushion and lubricate our joints, help the kidneys flush toxins out of our bodies via urination and stools, keep us cool via sweating and perspiration, create mucous, and aid the blood to distribute vital oxygen and nutrients to every cell, we would die.
The human body cannot store water, but the balance of body fluids must be maintained, which is why it is vital that we drink water regularly in order to stay hydrated. When we do not drink water as often as we should, the body will become dehydrated, and this can lead to various health problems.
It is not enough to just drink water though; we need to ensure that the water that we drink is free of toxins or that same life-sustaining water can make us very ill. Unfortunately, various governments decided to add fluoride to the drinking water in an effort to sanitise it, and this was a very grave error because fluoride is very unhealthy. It could even be considered dangerous.
Why Fluoride in Our Drinking Water is Dangerous
Fluoride has been added to the drinking water for many years in order to cleanse the water of toxins and supposedly to prevent tooth decay. In actual fact, the combination of chemicals that is added to the drinking water is not pure fluoride but a cocktail of hydrofluorosilicic acid; the toxic waste of the aluminium and fertiliser industries.
This fluoride in our drinking water is dangerous because it is contaminated with arsenic, uranium, lead, strontium, aluminium mercury, chromium, and 22 other cumulative substances. While governments tell us that the addition of fluoride in our drinking water is good for us, what it actually does is:
- Cause dental fluorosis, which causes the teeth to become pitted and causes white flecks and brown staining of developing teeth;
- Cause thyroid dysfunction and irritable bowel syndrome;
- Cause bone cancer in young boys;
- Cause neurological damage – One Chinese IQ study stated that fluoride has been known to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in the cerebral tissue of a foetus;
- Lower IQ – There have been in excess of thirty studies, including one done at Harvard, that have proven that fluoride can lower children’s IQ.
Why would a government insist on putting this poison in our drinking water despite many studies that have shown that it is detrimental to our health? I cannot answer this question, but I will tell you that I will not drink water with fluoride in it.
My solution to not drinking fluoride in the water that comes out of my tap? I invested in a home water cooler from Living Water. I looked at many options, including bottled water and on-tap water filters, and after carefully weighing up my options I realised that a home water cooler would benefit my whole family the best.
I looked at the great range of bottled water coolers that Living-Water offers, and nearly invested in one, but then saw their range of mains water coolers and this made much more sense to me. I now have access to filtered chilled, ambient or hot toxin-free water whenever I want, without the need to store and change bottles, and we all love it.