Why Drinking Water is good for your HealthWe all need to drink water regularly, and not only because we are thirsty, but because drinking water is good for our health; the human body cannot function without water.

The body is around 70% water, spread around the major organs and cells and when we do not drink sufficient water the body becomes dehydrated and this results in a slow shut-down; dehydration starts when the body is a mere 2% below the required water level.

Why Drinking Water is good for your Health

Drinking water is not just necessary for athletes when they are exercising, but for everyone. We generally only realise that we need to drink something when we feel thirsty, but by this stage the body is already around 2% dehydrated.

Initial signs of dehydration include thirst, dry lips, dry eyes, a dry skin, headaches and fatigue. If you do not drink water at this stage, the body will become more dehydrated and can lead to less urination, kidney problems, heart problems and eventually to coma and death.

Children and older people are more at risk for dehydration as they do not realise that they may be getting dehydrated and need to drink something.

Drinking sufficient water throughout the day will ensure that:

  • Your brain will remain dehydrated enough to be able to function optimally; the brain needs to be adequately hydrated for it to be able to send messages to the rest of the body;
  • Your skin will look young, plump and remain elastic;
  • Your heart will not have to strain to pump blood throughout your body;
  • Your kidneys will be able to do their work better;
  • You will urinate more often, removing toxins from the body;
  • Your immune system will function better, keeping you healthy overall.

While you can get some of the daily liquid requirement from fruit and vegetables, and some from drinking other liquids such as fruit juice, tea and coffee, it is imperative that you drink water as well.

If you do not like the taste of tap water then invest in a water cooler. Water coolers provide hygienic, toxin-free, great-tasting chilled drinking water 24/7, and depending on the model, ambient and hot water too. Contact Living-Water today for a free water needs assessment and quote.