There are a few theories regarding what temperature the water that you drink during or after exercise should be; some say it should be ice cold, some say it should be body-temperature, and yet others maintain that it doesn’t matter either way.
According to a study done at the American College of Sports Medicine as well as one published in The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, a British publication, cold is the way to go!
Why Drinking Cold Water During or after Exercise is Better
According to the various studies done, it is better to drink cold water before or during exercise for the following reasons:
Drinking water that is cold is better for you because it is absorbed much faster by your body than water at room-temperature or body-temperature.
Cold water passes through one’s stomach much faster and reaches the intestines much quicker, which means that it is absorbed into the body far quicker. This helps you to rehydrate far quicker after losing a lot of liquid during exercise.
Research at Athletes’ Performance, conducted on 45 men during training concluded that those who drank cold water performed far better in the tests, and that the rise in their core body temperature was delayed by at least 30 minutes. This decreases fatigue and heat-related stress.
Drinking water that is cold tastes far better and feels as though it slakes the thirst more, which is conducive to one drinking more water after exercise. This ensures that you will not get dehydrated, which could lead to major health problems.
The Cancer Myth
For many years there existed a myth that drinking cold water after exercise would give one cancer. This is NOT true!
Cold drinking water also helped those who took part in the British study to exercise for 25% longer than those who drank water at room-temperature.
The best way to ensure that you always have the best-tasting, freshest, coolest water to drink before, during or after your exercise regimen is to invest in a Living-Water water cooler at home and in your office, and if your sport’s venue does not yet have one, petition them to get one too. Living-Water already supplies water coolers to many of the UKs gyms including for example Bodydoctor, Londons leading gym where movie and music stars like to exercise.
Buy water coolers online and rent water coolers in London.