Why Bottled Water Coolers Make Great Home Water CoolersI just love my home water cooler because it is so convenient to have access to wonderfully chilled water without having to take up space in the fridge with huge jugs or plastic bottles of water, which the kids and the hubby always forget to refill.

I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home, which gives me time to spend with my children while they are growing up, but this has its disadvantages in that everyone thinks that G’s mom is the perfect baby-sitter on school-day afternoons, so there are always loads of children hanging out here.

Why Bottled water coolers make Great Home Water Coolers

The constant queue of kids wanting something cool to drink while playing is one of the main reasons that I decided to invest in a home water cooler, and was quite surprised at the range of water coolers that are on the market.

After doing my due diligence and looking at water cooler after water cooler, I realised that a bottled water cooler was the way to go for home as it offered everything I could ever wish for:

  • Easy access for the youngsters to icy cold water
  • Disposable glasses so that I do not have to wash dozens every day
  • It looks great
  • The kids love getting water from a vending machine (maybe I should charge?)
  • I don’t have to get up to get water every time for even the smallest kids because they can easily reach the lever and help themselves

Because I live in the greater London area, I looked around and asked friends for references to the best water company London – in the area and all roads lead to Living-Water. What sold me on the Living-Water Executive water cooler is that:

  • it is very stylish so blends into my home seamlessly, especially because I could colour-coordinate the side panels to my kitchen décor;
  • it has a drip-tray and a leak-prevention spike system, which is great if you have kids;
  • it offers cool, ambient and hot water, and the bottles are filled with spring water from the Wentlock range; and
  • my kids love Living-Water’s SquashStix so drink even more water

If you are looking for a water cooler for your home, trust me, this is the way to go!