Why are Water Coolers Better than Bottled Water?While it is important that you drink sufficient water to ensure that you remain well-hydrated and healthy, it is also important that the water that you drink is free from toxins.

There are various toxins in tap water that many individuals do not want to drink, wither because they make the water taste or smell funny or because they are health-conscious.

This has led to a huge increase in the purchase of bottled water over the past decade or so in the belief that bottled water is better, more pure and healthier than tap water, even in first-world countries where the tap water is considered to be good enough to drink.

Why are Water Coolers Better than Bottled Water?

While there are many brands of bottled water on the market that are good and contain exactly what the bottlers claim, there are basically more reasons not to drink bottled water than there are to drink it:

Too many water bottling companies make claims about their water that are basically no more than outright lies, such as where they get their water from, where it is bottled and what it contains. Some companies have actually been closed down for selling fake spring water or health water that turned out to be nothing more than tap water that they had decanted into a bottle and slapped a fancy label on.

Another problem with drinking bottled water is that it is really bad for the environment because millions of tons of plastic bottles end up in landfills annually, and the average time for a plastic bottle to completely degrade is at least 450 years. It can even take some bottles 1000 years to biodegrade!

Water from a water cooler on the other hand, is pure, chilled, great-smelling and great-tasting, and there are no bottles to get rid of or land up in landfills. If you purchase a water cooler or rent a water cooler with a good filter such as the Living-Water Triple Activated Carbon Filter, you can be assured of the fact that you are drinking water that is healthy for you.