Water Cooler ConversationsWith the Spring Equinox having passed just a few days ago, thoughts are turning with glee to the coming summer and all it holds, but Why are more companies opting for water coolers to combat the heat?

Many individuals do not realise that when a human being does not drink sufficient water on a regular basis, they become dehydrated, which can prove to be very costly to the individual and to the company for which they work.

Why are More Companies Opting for Water Coolers?

Approximately 70% of the human body is made up of water; when we sweat, breathe, exercise, urinate or pass a stool, we lose some of that water, and this results in the body’s fluid balance getting out of whack.

When our bodily fluids are not balanced it leads to dehydration, which in turn can lead to headaches, thirst, irritability, impaired cognitive functioning, confusion, fatigue, mood swings, and various other health problems.

Many water and health campaigns have been launched over the past decade or so to inform the public of the importance of drinking sufficient water throughout the day. Drinking tea and coffee may quench your thirst, but coffee is a diuretic, which means that it makes you urinate more, therefore become more dehydrated.

Drinking sufficient water throughout the day keeps one hydrated, which speeds up the metabolism, keeps the energy levels from flagging, and keeps the brain working clearly.

More companies are opting for water coolers because:

  • They are legally obliged to ensure that their personnel have access to sufficient drinking water during the workday;
  • They have realised that providing chilled water via an office water cooler stops individuals from popping out at all hours to buy bottled water;
  • Although it was first thought that staff would congregate around the water cooler and waste time by talking instead of working, the opposite has proven to be true; these impromptu meetings around the water cooler actually benefit the company. Staff members are more relaxed; they share more and come up with innovative ideas while conversing informally;
  • Research has found that companies that have purchased office water coolers have reported an increase in productivity. This is because the brain, which consists of 85% water, is highly dependent on water to facilitate short -term memory, mathematical acuity, and reasoning ability. Access to chilled drinking water whenever they need it actually improves concentration, overall awareness and visual perception; everything one would want from one’s employees.

So, in effect, more companies are opting for water coolers because it impacts positively on their bottom line. Living-Water’s range of both bottled and plumbed-in water coolers offer something for every business, from the tiny hair salon on the corner to the largest conglomerate with over one thousand employees.

Office Water Coolers in London

Living-Water supplies water coolers to organisations in the greater London area.

We offer clients an extensive range of office water options – from mains water coolers which filter standard mains water to bottled water dispensers which dispense spring water.

Our spring water comes from a natural source in the Wenlock range, offering crystal clear natural spring water from a deep, underground source which has been filtered through the geologically famous Wenlock rock strata.

The long filtration process – our water has taken millions of years to reach your water cooler – results in a refreshing, sweet tasting water that has a good balance of minerals.

For further information on our products or to request a quote for a water cooler system, please contact us by phone, email or by using our live chat feature.