water officeIf you have a small business, but still want to offer your staff and customers fresh pure and tasty water to drink you may be faced with the question: Which water cooler is best for a small business?

The answer to this will depend on where you are living, and the reason why you feel that tap water is not good enough, or why you prefer not to offer them bottled water instead. The latter is rather easy; bottled water can be very expensive and all of the plastic bottle are no good for the environment, and I assume that the reason you do not offer tap water is that it does not taste that good.

Which Water Cooler is best for a Small Business?

If you are looking for a great water cooler for your small business, you first need to decide whether you want a bottled water cooler or a mains-plumbed water cooler.

Bottled Water Cooler

The Living-Water Compact Table Top Water Cooler is an ergonomic, space saving water cooler that will fit into any small business and go with any décor. It incorporates the latest technological advances and features include:

  • Contemporary, Stylish and sturdy
  • A stainless steel one gallon capacity reservoir
  • Metal side panels, ABS plastic front panel and top
  • Convenient handles on side panels for easy placement
  • Standard Waterguard VI prevents spillage and prevents dust and dirt from entering the reservoir.
  • LED spotlight illumination
  • Easily removable drip receptor
  • Available in Hot ˜n Cold
  • Energy Star rated

While this is a great little water cooler, the one drawback is that you will need space to store unused and used water bottles, which might prove to be a problem.

Mains Water Cooler

The Living-Water Under counter Water Cooler may be the best option for you if storage space is at a minimum.

This unit attaches directly to your main water supply, and can supply chilled, hot, still or sparkling water. It has a small carbon footprint and the following great features:

  • It comes in a 30 l/h and a 45 l/h capacity;
  • Ambient / Chilled / Sparkling and Hot drink options
  • The Sealed Ice-Bank technology ensures a constant supply of chilled water without the need for  sanitisation operations
  • The hot water temperature is adjustableup to 95°C
  • The cold carbonation system provides large quantities of sparkling water. The carbonation level is adjustable.
  • Optional filters available to optimise your water quality.

No matter how small your business, one of the above models is sure to provide you with everything We offer a range of three bottled water coolers, the Star, the Executive and the Table Top. Each has been designed to dispense our own Living-Water spring water from the Wenlock range.

Bottled water coolers are perfect for our more discerning customers who want to offer staff access to pure spring water.

To find out how your office will be a happier one with a water cooler installed, read our blog.

Alternately here are some ways in which your home will benefit from a water cooler.

Read more of the advantages of office bottled water coolers here you require in a water cooler, and then some.