What is Water-Wise Lawn Watering?In order to practise water-wise lawn watering, it is necessary to be open to new ideas and new ways of watering.

You need to figure out just how much water your lawn needs. In order to have the best lawns, you should water infrequently but deeply; this will encourage deep roots. Apply enough water to soak down to the depths of the roots, which differs slightly for different soil types. A good rule of thumb that you can use to good effect though is to apply around 2.5 centimetres of water at a time, which is adequate to soak the soil to between 15 and 25 centimetres.

It is also important that you measure your sprinkler output as a sprinkler-system can drop in excess of one thousand litres in an hour if you are not careful; this will constitute over-watering and a huge waste of water.

You can easily test your sprinkler output by placing six shallow, flat-bottomed cans scattered around the lawn and run your sprinklers for 15 minutes then measure the depth of water in each can and adding all the numbers and dividing the total by the number of cans to find the average output. The answer is the amount of water your sprinkler applies in 15 minutes.

Once you have calculated this figure you can calculate how long to run your sprinklers by using the following chart to gauge how long you need to water for to apply 1 Inch of water to your lawn :

Sprinkler Number  0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Watering Time(in Minutes) 75 50 37 30 25 22 19 16 15


If you run your sprinklers for the right number of time but water is pooling or running off your lawn, you will need to split your watering time over two or more sessions. Wait an hour between sessions to allow the water to soak in.

Only water your lawn when it is stressed from lack of water; if you leave clear-cut footprints or the grass doesn’t spring back when you step on it then it is time for you to water your lawn; this should be an average of about once a week.

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