What is Water Aid doing to make tap water safe?What successes has the campaign had to date?

  • April 2010: The Sanitation and Water for All initiative championed by the EWP is recognised by developing and developed countries, as well as international financing groups like the Gates Foundation and the first High Level Meeting on Water and Sanitation takes place in Washington DC.
  • World Water Day 2010: The biggest global mobilisation on sanitation and water, The World’s Longest Toilet Queue, takes place in 80 countries involving over 100,000 people, applying crucial pressure to politicians attending a High-Level Meeting a month later – watch the video.
  • 2009: the End Water Poverty coalition reaches one million actions taken globally to support their call for sanitation and water for all.
  • 2008:UN High Level Event, New York, September – Dutch and UK governments commit to holding an annual meeting to review progress on water and sanitation.
  • 2008: Incredible global campaigning efforts help ensure that sanitation and water appear on the 2008 G8 agenda and are included in the final declaration from the summit.
  • Mali: WaterAid Mali officially launches a national End Water Poverty campaign in the presence of the President of the Republic, Amadou Toumani Tour.
  • Nepal: In just 2 weeks over 100,000 signatures are collected pledging support for the campaign and handed to the Prime Minister.
  • Bangladesh: Over 500,000 people from Bangladesh pledge support for the campaign, the largest number of actions from a single country.
  • July 2007: UK: Ahead of the G8 summit, hundreds of people march on Downing Street carrying the knitted river petition from 100,000 supporters demanding action. Ahead of the G8 Summit in 2009, over 80,000 UK petitions were handed into the Prime Minister, watch the video.

How can I support the campaign?

Buy water coolers online and rent water dispensers from Living-Water in London.