Pouring waterBy now most of us know that we need to drink water regularly I order to keep hydrated and healthy, but what is the best type of water to drink?

Like with most other products, the shelves in the supermarkets are filled with dozens of types of bottled water; mineral water, spring water, filtered water; still water; sparkling water; flavoured water; vitamin water, and oxygenated water, to name but a few.

What happened to just plain old drinking water out of a tap?

What is the Best Type of Water to Drink?

Have we moved so far away from all things natural in our quest for health and longevity that we are now reduced to drinking artificially enhanced water to stay healthy or are all these choices just a money-making fad?

While bottled has its place, like when hiking or perhaps driving long distances, does it have to be bought bottled water or is water that we have run from our tap and bottled ourselves adequate enough?

Quite frankly, most bottled water is no better or healthier than the next, and in many cases not much different to the water that comes out of your tap:

  • The minimal amounts of added vitamins and minerals will not make much difference to your health;
  • Oxygenated water will not make an iota of difference because most of the oxygen contained in it dissipates the minute you open the bottle and anyway, we take in oxygen via our lungs, not our stomachs;
  • Flavoured waters contain virtually none of the goodness contained in the fruit with which they have been “flavoured” so why bother?

There are exceptions of course, such as spring water that comes from an underground spring and has been filtered through the rock strata for millions of years. The problem with this though, is that many companies are now selling “spring water” that is in actual fact just regular old tap water that they have bottled so one needs to be careful of paying 10 times the amount for what you can get out of your own tap.

As far as I am concerned, I do not drink tap water because I do not like the smell of chemicals, and the taste is nothing to write home about either. I made the wise decision a while back to invest in a mains water cooler from Living-Water, which is attached to my main water supply and filters the water long before it reaches my glass as well as chilling it. It has the added benefit that it also dispenses ambient and hot water, so I use the same source for making my coffee – without having to wait for the kettle to boil.

Water cooler hire and water dispenser rentals from Ling-Water in London. Get a free water cooler trial from Living-Water.