Oxygenated water sold by a water company based in the Bavarian Alps in Germany, has been touted as being good for those who do extreme sports such as free riding, ice-climbing, and street running. The company states that the water contains 15 times more oxygen than spring water does, and claims that it will boost performance and give sensory pleasure.
Is this really true though? According to experts, no, it is an unfounded claim as any oxygen in the water will rapidly dissipate into the atmosphere as soon as the lid is opened, and the human body is gets its oxygen via the lungs, not the stomach.
Drinking oxygen in our water results in the oxygen going directly to the stomach with the water, and will then pass through the digestive system which is designed to extract nutrients from whatever passes through it and feed that to the body, not to extract oxygen from blood.
We inhale around one litre of air with every breath we take, which goes straight to our lungs, and then it passes into our bloodstream. This the function of the lungs, so taking in extra oxygen with our drinking water is unnecessary, especially as it will not get anywhere near your blood.
So, if you want to drink oxygenated water because you like the pretty bubbles, fine, but do not be conned that drinking it is any healthier than drinking other kinds of water. Oxygenated water is a fad dreamed up by a company to make money, nothing more.
Drink water regularly; drink tap water, spring water, mineral water, filtered water, any type of water that you want, but don’t waste money on buying something that will do no more for your body than any other type of water, as that is just throwing your money away.
If you want to ensure that your drinking water is healthy, it is far better to invest in a water cooler that can filter the water and provide you access to chilled, tasty, toxin-free drinking water whenever you want it.
Get bottled water coolers and mains water coolers from Living-Water.