Have you ever wondered exactly what chemicals are used to purify your drinking water? I must admit that I often have.
I have never been able to drink water directly from the tap, even as a child, as my nose seems particularly sensitive to the smell of chemicals in the water, and my taste buds are also not fond of the taste of water directly from a tap.
What is in My Drinking Water?
This led me to do some investigation as to what all is in my drinking water that makes me so vehemently against drinking it, and my research turned up some interesting facts.
How can adding large amounts of several extremely poisonous chemicals to water actually make it safe for drinking? Surely even if there are no immediate negative effects there must be some over the long term?
According to scientists that are investigating the same thing, here is a list of just a few chemicals that are routinely added to our water supply:
- Aluminium sulphate
- Calcium hydroxide
- Fluorosilicic acid
- Liquified chlorine
- Sodium silicofluoride
Our tap water is also treated with various chemical in order to purify it for drinking; to kill bacteria and other microorganisms. Apart from these chemicals, the water also travels for long distances through very old pipes where it may pick up other contaminants such as toxic metal salts, hormones and pesticides, as well as lead, bacteria, protozoa.
In other words, our drinking water typically contains:
- Chlorine
- Fluorine compounds
- Hormones
- Nitrates
- Pesticides
- Salts of:
- aluminium
- arsenic
- barium
- cadmium
- copper
- lead
- mercury
- radium
- Trihalomethanes (THMs)
Of course there is also the very controversial fluoridation of water, which is nothing more than mass medication without consent. While governments have stressed that this is a good practice that lowers cases of childhood dental decay, various studies have connected fluoridation to cancer, specifically bone cancer in young boys.
So, if you are happy drinking all of the above in your drinking water, go ahead, but if you are not, then do yourself and your loved ones a favour and invest in a mains water cooler with a really good filter that will ensure that the water that you drink really is pure.
Contact Living-Water for a free needs-assessment and quote on the best water cooler for your particular needs.