What is Blue Water and Does it Have Healing Powers?Various articles have popped up on the internet of late regarding the healing powers of blue water, as well as a book published by Simon Templeton called The amazing super powers of blue water, but exactly what is blue water and does it really have healing powers?

By now we all know that our bodies consist of around 70% water and that we have to drink water regularly in order to maintain this balance and thereby maintain our good health, but what is this new phenomenon called blue water and where does one get it?

What is Blue Water and Does it Have Healing Powers?

According to Mr Templeton’s book and the various articles that I read, blue water is merely normal water that is decanted into blue bottles and left in the sunlight for a period of time. Apparently the darker blue the bottle the more beneficial the water in it after being exposed to sunlight, as long as the bottle is not so dark that it prevents the sunlight reaching the water. Plastic bottles can be used too, but must be replaced regularly, so glass bottles are preferable.

According to information given, blue water can:

  • Cure rough dry skin, large pores, a yellowish complexion, and chapped hands;
  • Cure inflammation in the eyes by using the water in a cup or dropper to rinse eyes;
  • Treat dandruff by massaging your scalp with it (only for dark hair);
  • Cure bald spots;
  • Darken light hair (used plain or with shampoo);
  • Act as an antiseptic and astringent;
  • Be used for brushing your teeth or as a mouth wash (it destroys germs, hardens gums and sweetens the breath);
  • Cure sore mouths or inflamed gums by holding the water in your mouth for a few minutes and then spitting it out;
  • Cure sore throats when used as a gargle;
  • Cure sinus problems and catarrh by sniffing it up your nose;
  • Give your face a refreshing lift by mixing it with your shaving water;
  • Relieve gastritis and indigestion by sipping every few minutes for a while;
  • Cure inflamed and painful stomachs, diarrhoea, dysentery, and cancerous skin growths; and much more

Many individuals swear that blue water feels softer and tastes fresher and purer and is a cure-all for all sorts of ailments. Me, I will try this out when I am able to get hold of some appropriate blue bottles – until then I will just continue to get my chilled, refreshing drinking water from my Living-Water Pure office water cooler.

Living-Water Ltd rent and sell bottle water cooler and mains water coolers in London.