What are the Benefits of Drinking Pineapple Water on an Empty Stomach?The very best way to start off your day, even before that morning kick of caffeine, is to drink a nice big glass of water to kick-start your body and make up for the dehydration it experiences overnight.

Many individuals could not think of anything worse than starting off their day with water though, and for them there is a great alternative – pineapple water.

What are the Benefits of Drinking Pineapple Water on an Empty Stomach?

The lowly pineapple is a delicious, sweet, juicy and succulent fruit which many of us love, but usually only eat as a side-dish or in a salad; but this meaty tropical fruit is chock full of vitamins and nutrients and should be consumed more often.

Pineapples are amazingly good for your health because they are also loaded with antioxidants, vitamin C, and enzymes, such as promelain. Adding pineapple to your drinking water is exceptionally good for you.

Pineapple water is good for you because it:

  • Aids in Weight Loss – Pineapple is high in fibre; this means that it takes longer for your digestive system to break it down, which results in you feeling full for longer and therefore eating less. Drinking pineapple water on an empty stomach will also result in craving sugars and fats less.
  • Combats Inflammation: The enzyme bromelain in pineapples helps flush toxins, reducing inflammation and its impact on the tissues and organs of the body. Pineapple water is especially beneficial for those suffering from arthritis and sports-related injuries.
  • Flushes the Liver and Intestines – Pineapples water helps flush the liver and the intestines, leaving you feeling less bloated.

How to Make Pineapple Water

Making pineapple water only takes a few minutes and the health results are great. All you have to do is remove the skin, cut up the fruit and toss a few pieces into a glass of chilled water.

You can also juice the pineapple and add some juice to the chilled water. To ensure that you have this drink ready for first thing in the morning, make it and put a jug in the fridge the night before or peel and cut the pineapple and add to a nice glass of chilled water that you have freshly tapped from your water cooler.

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