Watering Cans and Other Methods of Saving Water in your GardenWe all need to save water as much as is possible, and one place we can do that with great results is in pour garden.

If you have a small garden then it is easily hand-watered, and if you have a larger garden there are also many methods of saving water with really little or no effort on your part.

Watering Cans and Other Methods of Saving Water in your Garden

Small gardens and container gardens are a great way of saving water and by using a traditional watering can to water instead of a hosepipe will keep your plants lush and green, save on water-use and offer more time to check on each plant’s health at the same time.

Too many of us plant gardens to enjoy yet do not really enjoy them as much as we could because we do not have the time to actually spend tending the garden, which would actually do much to relieve the stress placed on us by our modern lifestyle.

Use a watering-can with a large rosette on the end for containers so that the water can be gently sprinkled onto leaves. Watering cans without a rosette can be used to water the base of trees and shrubs.

Other water-saving methods that can be used, especially with larger gardens are automatic sprinkler systems that are set to water efficiently, which is made more possible with modern technology and using some elementary  water-saving tips:

  • Rain shutoff switches: Add an inexpensive Rain shutoff switch to your sprinkler system to turn off your sprinkler system in rainy weather and help compensate for natural rainfall.
  • Less is More: Watering too much and too often results in disease, shallow roots, and weed and fungus growth. Saturate root zones and let the soil dry.
  • Seasonal Changes: Familiarise yourself with the settings on your irrigation controller and adjust the watering schedule as often as is necessary to adapt to seasonal weather conditions.
  • Micro Irrigation: Micro irrigation includes drip or trickle irrigation, bubbler irrigation, micro sprinklers, and micro spray jets. Low-volume micro irrigation can be used for gardens, trees, and shrubs to irrigate slowly and minimize evaporation, runoff, and overspray.

There are many other methods of saving water in our garden, such as sensor-based smart controllers for irrigation systems, Clock-watching so that you water only during the most optimal times of the day, adjusting sprinkler heads for optimal watering and zoning your garden for optimal watering.

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