So many people know that one has to drink water in order to remain healthy but do not understand just why this is so. Many individuals know that they are supposed to drink water regularly throughout the day because they have either been told so or have read it somewhere, but often do not pay much attention as they have not been informed exactly how important it is to drink water regularly.
Water & Your Health
So, you have been told that you must drink water, and that you should be drinking about eight glasses of water daily, but have no idea why. You don’t like the taste of water, so you don’t really pay much attention to all the old ˜mother grundies’ that tell you water is important; what do they know anyway?
Well, they may know the following:
1. An individual can survive approximately one month without food, but can only go about one week at the most without drinking water. Without water, dehydration will be the result;
2. Individuals should consume around 2 litres of water daily, depending on age, weight, climate, lifestyle and health, in order to live healthily;
3. Healthy individuals will drink in the region of 75 000 litres of water during their lifetime;
4. There are in excess of 2 Billion people on earth who do not have access to adequate supplies of water;
5. About one quarter of the world’s population does not have access to potable drinking water;
6. Water leaves your stomach approximately five minutes after you have consumed it;
7. Water regulates the temperature of the human body, which is why you should drink water if you have a fever;
8. Drinking water helps the body to excrete toxins and waste products;
9. Fluoride is sometimes added to drinking water when the water is treated, but while fluoride may help prevent cavities, it can also cause bone cancer, especially in young boys. This is why it is preferable to drink filtered water;
10. Not drinking water as often as you should could lead to dehydration, which could manifest as a dry mouth, thirst, headaches, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, brain fuzziness, heart problems, stroke, kidney problems, urinary problems, and even coma and death;
11. Drinking water that has not been adequately treated could cause you to ingest bacteria and other microorganisms that could make you ill;
Above are just a few health reasons for drinking water regularly. If you do not like the taste or smell of the drinking water in your taps, try purchasing a water filter or a water cooler that both filters and chills your drinking water, making it taste and smell great.
Get bottled water coolers and main water dispensers in London from Living-Water.