Water TransportationThere are many forms of water transportation. The term in itself has a double meaning. Firstly, it can refer to people, animals or goods being transported over water; and, secondly, it can refer to the transportation of water itself. Varying forms of water delivery and transport exist, highlighting how necessary it is to every day life.

Water Travel

The ways in which we can travel over water are numerous. They include ships, boats, barges, ferries, sailboats, jet-skis and surfboards. Its purpose is both industrial and recreational. Using water as a means of travel and transportation has been done for centuries. In ages past people built canoes, which eventually gave way to boats and ships. The construction of bridges and tunnels, as well as the development of air travel, reduced the reliance on water transport; but it is still used today and the cost is generally more economical than air travel and transport.

Water transport is more fuel efficient and produces lower carbon emissions in comparison to road transport and rail operations. It is safer, as it functions away from the public; and produces low noise emissions. As a means of transportation for people from one destination to the next, it can be more cost-effective – depending on the type. Water transportation also creates another form of employment for people, and plays an integral part in international trade. However, shipping companies should be wary of water pollution such as oils spills. They are a large and negative contributor to the damage and depletion of our water sources.

Water Delivery

The transport and delivery of water is something we take for granted. We turn on a tap or hose and the water comes gushing out, with little thought as to how it got there in the first place. But there are actually various ways and means of carrying and delivering water. These are: aqueducts, container shipment and towing. Simply put these carry water from source to destination, with the latter used to pull icebergs or water bags.

Something else which you may not have considered is water dispensers for offices. These arrive at an office by means of a water delivery company who supply services such as water cooler rentals, supplying good drinking water to offices, homes and schools.

Drinking water every day is vital to our health, but it does even more for us in the form of transportation, job creation and leisure. With more than 70% of the Earth’s surface covered in water, it is hardly surprising to discover how important it is to our existence and survival. Thank goodness for water cooler companies like Living-Water that recognise the importance of easily accessible drinking water.