We are all familiar with the Seven Wonders of the World, the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, and the Seven Wonders of the Natural World, but I think that water is the Eight Wonder, and without it none of the others would exist!
Just think about a world without water; scary isn’t it? Water is Life, yet we are running out of this essential commodity at a rapid rate. In a highly technological world where most human beings think nothing of turning on a tap for a glass of water, or pressing a lever to get a tall cool drink of water from their office water cooler, more than a billion people globally do not have access to safe water and in excess of 4,000 children die EVERY DAY as a result of either clean water or insufficient water.
Mechanisation, agriculture, industry, human and animal need; all depend on water, yet millions of litres of water are wasted every day across the globe! The world is facing a water crisis and nobody seems to be taking particular heed of this tragedy that will doom the planet, let alone the human race.
Why do I say water is the 8th wonder of the world? I say so because it is something that not one of us can do without; it is life-sustaining, it is agri-sustaining and it is industry-sustaining. I cannot think of anything else on the planet that is so vital to the survival of this place we call earth than good old water!
The Healthy Wonders of Water
Water is so important to the function of the human body because we are made up of around 70% water and without it our bodies cannot function. Water affects every aspect of our lives:
- Energy: One of the reasons that office water coolers have become so popular recently is that bosses have suddenly realised that having them improvesstaff productivity as water energises, refreshes and ensures that sufficient oxygen and essential nutrients are transported through the blood to every cell in the body.
- Digestion:Water is good for the digestion as it helps to dissolve waste and move it through the digestive tract. If you do not drink water often enough your colon will become dry and you may become constipated.
- Skin: It is said thatwater is nature’s beauty cream, because drinking water to ensure that you do not become dehydrated is the best way to ensure that your skin remains plump and young-looking. Drinking water hydrates the skin, making it glow, and also flushes out impurities and improves your blood circulation.
- Diet:Water is great for dieting because drinking water sets the metabolism into high gear, which makes you feel full, so you eat less. Drinking cool or icy water such as that dispensed from office or home water coolers works even better, as your body also expends energy to warm the water up.
- Muscle Tone:Muscles need water too, and when they do not get enough and become dehydrated they will cramp and cease to function properly. Drinking water will prevent that and help build muscle tone because you will be able to exercise for longer.
- Stress:Dehydration causes you brain to become stressed, as about 80% of the brain tissue consists of water; if you do not drink enough water, the dehydration will cause stress. Keeping some bottled water nearby or having a water cooler nearby from which you can get fresh, cool drink is important to manage stress.
- Kidneys: To prevent getting kidney stones, which are very painful mineral and salt deposits that build up in the kidneys, you must drink water regularly so that you stay hydrated.
Whether it is bottled water, mineral water, spring water, or tap water, water is a wonder of nature that we simply cannot do without. If you do not drink enough water because you do not really like the taste of tap water, do your body a favour and invest in a water cooler.
You can get a bottled water cooler that the water company fills with natural, clear, great-tasting spring water, or a mains water cooler that is plumbed directly into your water-line and which is fitted with a water filter. There is no excuse not to partake of the 8th Wonder every day – just drink water!