Water Plays a Vital Role in Cell CreationThe human body is approximately 70% water, and according to the European Federation of Bottled Water (EFBW), water is vital for virtually every bodily function and plays a significant role in the formation of bodily fluids and cells.

When we get hot we perspire or sweat, and this together with other ways that we lose water, such as urination, crying, and excreting faeces, put the body’s balance of fluids out of whack. If we do not replace lost fluids by drinking water, we stand the chance of becoming really dehydrated, which can be very dangerous. Dehydration can cause headaches, dizziness, a dry mouth, decreased urine output, thirst, fatigue, and decreased physical and mental performance.

Dr. Laurent Le Bellego, Chairman of the EFBW and the paper ˜The science on water and hydration’ which was introduced at the 38th World Congress of International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology (ISMH) in Lanjaron (Granada), states that drinking water adequately compensates for lost bodily fluids. Le Bellego also says that drinking water every day is vital to stay hydrated and to the creation of all the cells in the human body. Failing to drink water when necessary could lead to the body becoming dehydrated.

Dr Le Bellego says that according to a panel of experts from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the recommended amount of water that should be consumed per day is approximately two litres, depending on the weather and physical activity.

Humans drink water for various reasons, but mostly it is to replenish lost bodily fluids as it is imperative that a constant water and mineral balance is maintained. A water deficit causes cells to shrink, which makes the kidneys produce less urine, which is also darker in colour. An excess of water in the body fills the cells with water, causing the kidneys excrete more water.

Water is a carrier, and drinking water is essential in distributing vital nutrients such as minerals, vitamins and glucose to cells. Water makes up two-thirds of the cell, and apart from carrying nutrients to the cells; it also allows chemical reactions to take place in the cells. Without water, cells cannot multiply; they would slowly weaken and eventually die.

Water is the main ingredient in DNA, and without it the human body would cease to exist.  Water dissolves chemicals that cells are in need of, helps cells to keep their size and shape, and helps to keep the cell’s temperature from changing rapidly.




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