Water is just water, right? Actually no, water is not just water; there are various kinds of water, some better for you than others¦
Let’s see, what kinds of water can you think of? There is the water that we are all accustomed to; that which comes out of our taps, and then there is the water that we love to swim in when at the coast – seawater. There is also river water, spring water, mineral water, enhanced water, soda water, and various flavoured waters too.
All water is definitely not the same, and some water you can drink and other water you cannot or should not be drinking. Many individuals know that they should be drinking water regularly in order to keep the around 70% balance in their bodies, but do not purely because they cannot stand the taste of tap water and cannot afford bottled water.
Tap water is not always as healthy as it is supposed to be because it may contain various toxins; strangely enough these toxins include the very chemicals that are used to make our water drinkable by our governments. Chlorine is used to purify water yet it is known that many of the chlorine by-products are carcinogenic, as is the fluoride that many governments add to our drinking water.
Bottled water is not always healthy as many of the 4,000 plus brands on the international market are nothing more than plain tap water, no matter what the label says. Others are ecologically not good because unscrupulous companies mine the water in areas where the local communities are already suffering water shortages.
Mineral or spring water is about the healthiest water one can drink as it is the purest, when it genuinely comes from an underground source where it is filtered for years before it naturally erupts in a surface spring.
Purified water is water that either comes from a spring or a tap and which has been either distilled, deionised, or purified by a process called reverse osmosis. Purified drinking water sometimes has had minerals added to make it taste better.
Filtered water is water that has been cleansed via a filter such as those used in a jug, on a tap, or in a water cooler. A good carbon filter can provide some of the purest drinking water available, and if it is attached to a water cooler, you will have access to pure, chilled drinking water virtually 24/7.