Water is the most effective natural medicineWater is the most basic and effective natural medicine there is because it is essential for cleaning toxins from your body. When you don’t get enough water, your body thinks you’re starving. When your body thinks you’re starving, it makes “bad” decisions – compromising vital systems – to get the water it MUST have.

When you undergo any kind of stress, change, or growth, you are producing chemical changes in your body. To process these changes easily and effectively – which 99.9% of the time involve cleaning toxic residue OUT of the body – water is VITAL and ESSENTIAL to the process.

Get Your Minimum Daily Requirement Of Water

Most doctors recommend everyone drink eight glasses of water a day. By drinking water, you’re giving your body what it needs the most. If you have swollen feet or hands, you need water NOW! Your body’s storing excess water there because it’s starved for it!

If you have heartburn, arthritis, back pain, angina, migraines, colitis, asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, depression, loss of libido, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, or excess weight, these are your body’s many cries for water!

Satisfy Your Thirst t All Times…

The best times to drink water are: one eight ounce glass one half hour before taking food – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – and a similar amount two and one half hours after each meal. This is the very minimum amount of water your body needs.

For better results, you should have “two more glasses of water around the heaviest meal or before going to bed”. What works best for me is to continuously drink water through the day. The point is to get that water in you anyway that you can.

Get water dispensers London and table top water coolers from Living-Water. Living-Water is a premier London based water supplier company.