Why is Water so Important to My Health?Water is really important to your health because without it your body cannot function optimally. Truth be told, without water you would actually die because there is water in every single part of your body as it is essential for well-nigh every metabolic process.

Water is the vital nutrient your body cannot do without; it makes up around 70% of your body-weight and can be found in your digestive juices, your blood, in fat, in lean muscle and even in your bones, and it forms the basis of perspiration and urine.

Water contains electrolytes, including chloride, fluoride, magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium in a solution that can conduct electric current, which helps the brain to send messages via the nerves to the rest of the body.

Water is also vital because it is the medium used for the majority of chemical reactions in the body, particularly those involved in energy production. Water also keeps your skin moist and elastic, keeps your joints moving and protects them, and protects your brain from getting injured from a knock on the skull.

Your Body & Water Loss

Although your body is made up of around 70% water, it takes work to maintain these water levels because the body cannot store water although it divests itself of water throughout the day via urination, perspiration, crying, coughing, and even just breathing.

The amount of water that you need to drink every day to replace the water you are losing is unique to you; it depends on your gender, age, physical fitness, the climate where you reside, your level of activity and your metabolism.

Water loss differs for various reasons:

  • Most adults lose around three litres of water on an average day; the water-loss can be more on warm days or due to prolonged exercise

  • Elderly people lose close to two litres of water per day

  • A short three-hour air trip can result in a loss of around 1.5 litres of water

  • A fever caused by illness can dehydrate one within hours

The easiest way to ensure that you are drinking sufficient water is by checking your urine; the lighter your urine the less water you need to drink and the darker it is the more dehydrated you are therefore you need to drink more water.

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