The Water for Schools (WfS) programme partnership was established in 2011 in an effort to make improve the water-efficiency of up to 400 secondary schools in London. This partnership evolved from the Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) for Schools pilot project. WfS ran from 2011 to 2014 and included a period of evaluation.
Water for Schools Programme ~ London
The Water for Schools project’s objective was to investigate and deliver sustainable water-management schemes to the schools in London via educational awareness raising, physical interventions like repairs, improved metering, and water efficiency installations.
This type of project required whole-school engagement, and this meant that awareness activities of necessity had to include all teachers, students, and support staff. Innovative engagement support-material was produced and made freely available; this also raised the idea of entering the water and environmental sectors as a career choice and linked all parts of the water environment.
A behavioural change programme was established, schools were mobilised as water efficiency advocates, and a legacy programme was established for the schools which provided them with a widely available learning programme and saving them money through water efficiency measures.
Schools were provided with rainwater harvesting equipment, engagement and awareness programmes, workshops and teaching aids. Old outdated water meters were replaced with more modern versions, water leak reduction interventions were done, and water audits were undertaken, amongst other education and interventions.
A smaller number of schools than originally planned were included in 2012 due to the severe droughts London experienced that year. Working with schools presented more of a challenge than originally imagined, and the conclusion is that it may be more beneficial to engage schools individually on different levels.
Significant water savings were experienced, hence also great financial savings, but these seemed to come more from wastage rather than leakage. It was difficult to calculate genuine savings or impacts of behavioural change due mainly to communication problems with the schools and the ensuing loss of continuity.
This project will continue with the Water Efficiency Schools Programme (WESP) being run in 50 schools, and it is hoped that more quantifiable results can be achieved in water saving and efficiency awareness in this round.
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