Many individuals, especially women, worry about their weight and are constantly on some or other diet in an effort to lose weight and this can cause them a lot of stress. Ove the years there have been various diets that have been touted as being the best including the Atkins Diet, the Low Calorie diet, the Banting Diet and many more, but what is really the best diet?
Two major issues that annoy anyone while dieting are hunger and cravings, but Science has proven that eating little to no food could actually get rid of these problems. This could mean that extreme diets such as water fasting could be easier to handle than some of the less restrictive weight loss diets, for some individuals.
One study, Hunger/Craving Responses and Reactivity to Food Stimuli during Fasting and Dieting, studied one group of fasting obese patients and one group of dieting obese patients. One group ate no food at all, only drank water, while the other group ate a balanced weight loss diet.
At the end of a two-week period, the feelings of hunger and cravings dropped close to zero in the water fasting group. In the standard dieting group, the hunger and cravings didn’t drop at all, although they kept going strong throughout the diet.
Another study, Prolonged Starvation as Treatment for Severe Obesity, in which 11 obese, ambulatory patients only consumed water and vitamins for periods of 12 to 117 days. Weight loss was good and participants had no hunger or cravings, but complications included severe orthostatic hypotension, severe normocytic, normochromic anaemia, and gouty arthritis in different individuals. Fortunately once they started eating again the ill effects were promptly reversed.
While water is vital for our good health, we also need to eat because our bodies require the vitamins and nutrients that we get from our food in order to survive and grow strong. While water-fasting may reduce hunger and cravings, I would not recommend it to anyone as a method of losing weight.
Drink water regularly to remain hydrated and healthy, but remember to eat well as well.
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