Water Efficiency at WorkMost individuals don’t consider their water use, let alone water efficiency, but it is important that every company institute water efficiency measures and get their staff engaged in and educated about the benefits of sound water efficiency practices.

It is vital that everyone realise that water is not a finite resource but in actual fact an extremely precious commodity that everyone needs to do their best to conserve.

Water Efficiency at Work

Employees are on the frontline of any business, and for water efficiency measures to work, staff need to be engaged and educated to the benefits of water efficiency via online e-learning tools, workshops, training seminars by outside consultants, and posters placed in prominent positions.

It is important to undertake your own water audits and embark on efficiency upgrades by using innovative methods of reducing water use:

  • Repairs and Maintenance: Get your staff involved in finding leaks or machinery that wastes large amounts of water and affecting repairs or replacements. Leak detection is an important step, and can reduce annual water-use by up to 42% in some cases.
  • Fit Water Saving Devices: You don’t have to have a big ˜green’ agenda to be motivated to reduce costs; merely fitting some water-saving devices in your company will go a long way.
  • Water Benchmark Calculator: Use the water benchmark calculator to calculate how you measure up against similar organisations.

Get your staff’s buy-in to your water-saving measures by explaining what the measures can do:

  • Savings: Water-saving measures save millions annually – money which could be put to better use, like structural improvements or even staff increases or bonuses;
  • Carbon Footprint: Water-saving measures reduce carbon emissions, which is beneficial to everyone as it benefits the planet;
  • Business Reputation and Value: Saving water and becoming greener will give customers confidence in the business, which will increase the bottom line, which will once again benefit everyone.

One of the first steps you could take to reduce water wastage and get staff buy-in at the same time is to invest in a mains office water cooler that can provide fresh, great-tasting cold, ambient or hot water virtually non-stop so that they can stop wasting money on buying bottled water – they will love you for it and will more easily buy into your other schemes.

Get plumbed in water coolers or bottled water dispensers for the office in London. Read our water cooler blog for articles and water related news. Buy office water coolers from Living-Water for your company.