Water Dispenser Reviews - The PureFirstly you need to decide what type of cooler you need. Below I describe just some of the many reasons and benefits we prefer to spend more and supply the Pure water cooler. If you are looking for water dispenser reviews, please take the time to read the below or check out our cooler tab where we describe our different dispenser types.

This will help you only buy a water cooler dispenser that suits your requirements. Whether it is for water at work or water for work and home, the Pure is in our opinion the world’s most advanced water cooler.

It is difficult to establish what the water cooler effect will be by fitting a Pure as opposed to an inferior cooler, but we believe the Pure water dispenser machine will lead to far greater staff hydration and customer satisfaction. Please take the time to read the below and Living-Water as a drinking water company is committed to only ever supplying a premium solution.

Our Pure water cooler is manufactured by one of Europe’s leading water cooler companies, with Head office in Ireland.  Though they have moved their manufacturing plant to Poland, proximity to the UK and their local markets was key in their decision to stay within Europe as opposed to following the herd to the Far East – As a result the build quality achieved with the Pure is second to none.

Environmental issues are extremely important to the Pure’s manufacturer and their constant innovations in this regard reflect a series of industry firsts. They were the first to:

Switch to environmentally friendly refrigerants. Developed the leading cooler refrigeration system in Europe. They have continued this innovation and have already designed a water cooler using R600 gas (like that used in cigarette lighters). Eventually the hope is this will replace R134, the current industry norm.

To use polycarbonate plastic for cabinets. Polycarbonate has an extremely long life due to its composition and is easy to recycle over and over again.

Developed the removable reservoir cooler. This water way platform makes cooler sanitisation simple and eliminates the need to continuously dispose of plastic bags on an ongoing basis. They now offer the removable reservoir system in a wide variety of cabinet styles and prices.

Conforming to environmental norms is a big deal and recycling has become a key issue when they design new water dispensers. Naturally there is a cost to being a pioneer and legislation such as the Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment Directive and R600 all have big cost implications. Fortunately at Living-Water, because we work so closely with our supplier, we are able to buffer the customer through innovation from these cost implications.

We feel it is indispensable we conform as most of our clients now have environmental procurement policies which effect how they purchase.

The Pure operates using electronic push pads and with light pressure applied by ones finger, water flows until released. The cabinet benefits from no sharp corners or exposed joints where staff could injure themselves and delivers 30 litre’s per hour of chilled drinking water.  This is important, as most Far eastern manufactured water coolers only produce 8 litre’s of chilled water per hour so any office where staff like to fill jugs of water or have largestaff or users, will really benefit from the increased chilled water.

So how and why does the Pure produce so much more chilled water? Well its not just about how much chilled water is produced, its about how it chills. The Pure uses what is called a direct chill cooling system.  In simple terms this means there is like a hose coiled around the refrigerator in the cooler with constantly flowing water that is cooled as it flows.

This is a huge improvement on inferior reservoir water coolers which operate using a jug like container in the cooler where the water is cooled – This jug/reservoir contains stagnant water and is not great as typically the cooler is only sanitized every six months.

The Pure benefits from a very well refined cup dispenser on top of the cooler, and unlike many of its competitor coolers, does not require an ugly cup dispenser to be screwed onto the side of the cooler.

The Pure additionally has the advantage of being manufactured in Poland and is not constrained by height issues. Most Far Eastern manufactured water coolers are less than 1 metre high and because they rely on a gravity feed to the taps end up with very low taps where a tall person like myself will need to bend over backwards to help myself.  The reasons they are made so low is twofold, their own domestic markets are made of small people and secondly, by manufacturing the height less than 1 metre, they can be loaded two high in a shipping container.

The Pure water cooler in contrast is manufactured far higher and because it has electronic taps and a water pump, the user can help themselves without bending over backwards from far higher taps. To better illustrate, see below some pictures of me serving myself from a Pure and a competing Far Eastern manufactured cooler. It really is chalk and cheese and now we are using a Pure in the office I’m hoping to save a fortune on chiropractor bills!!

So where to buy water coolers??  Your first point of call should be a Living-Water Account Manager or just contact us here.