Water Coolers: Types & BenefitsWater coolers are very convenient and have become popular for use in pubs, schools, offices, hospitals, homes, sports venues and various other locations.

The general public have become far more knowledgeable about the benefits of drinking water regularly, which is why water coolers have gained in popularity; they are able to dispense chilled, fresh water to drink whenever required, and virtually 24/7.

Businesses have also become more interested in investing in water coolers as they have realised that having a water cooler for their staff members helps to keep them hydrated and healthy, allowing them to be far more productive and get ill less often.

There are essentially two different types of water coolers; Bottled Water Coolers and Mains Water Coolers:

Bottled Water Coolers

Bottled water coolers have a large inverted bottle of water on top of a cabinet that supplies drinking water via a tap placed below the bottle. The water used in bottled water coolers is always filtered water; Living-Water, a London water supply company, fills their bottles with Living-Water Spring Water. The bottles will have to be replaced regularly, depending on how often the water cooler is used. You need to ensure that if you buy a water cooler from a water company, you deal with one that can supply fresh bottles of water as needed.

Bottled water coolers are ideally suited to smaller offices and private homes where there are less people that will make use of them, and are generally freestanding models so that they can be placed where you want them and can move them if necessary.

Bottled water also come in under-counter as well as countertop models, and includes models that can be placed in outdoor areas where there is no electricity – these models are called water fountains and will provide filtered but not chilled drinking water.

Mains Water Coolers

Mains water coolers are also called point-of-use (POU) water coolers and are plumbed directly into the main water line. Mains water coolers are not portable as they need to be near a main water line and an electrical socket, so you need to make sure that the spot that you choose to place your POU water cooler is the right one.

Mains water coolers can be fitted with a water filter and some models are also fitted with chilled, ambient and hot water options for coffee, soup and other hot drinks. Mains water coolers are ideally suited to larger offices, sports venues and other venues with heavy traffic.