If you thought that water coolers were only for offices, think again; water coolers are everywhere! Although initially water coolers were big, clunky old things that were hidden in the corner because they looked ugly, modern water coolers are now smaller, stylish, state-of-the art machines.
Water coolers have found their way into restaurants and pubs throughout the world, partially thanks to an initiative called Project H20. This initiative was rolled out in order to offer partygoers access to pure, tasty drinking water when they felt they needed it, without having to go to the bar.
Water coolers in bars and sports venues where a lot of alcohol is consumed helps to combat the dehydrating effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Drinking water alongside alcoholic drinks diminishes the effects of alcohol on the human body and keeps it hydrated.
The Sandwell Children’s Fund (www.webwell.org.uk/childrens-fund) backed a 1 year project to look into the effects of hydration programmes in schools in 2003. The project allocated one water cooler per 100 children to eighty-seven schools.
The study found that having access to a water cooler had a definite, measurable impact on the behaviour of the test subjects, including:
- There was a marked improvement in concentration
- Fewer scholars than normal complained of headaches
- There were far fewer disruptions in class
- Drinking more water at school encouraged the children to drink more water at home
- Fewer fizzy drinks were imbibed
- The children were not as tired and lethargic as before
- Not only the scholars, but also the teachers drank more water
- chilled water proved to be far more popular than tap water
- Teachers reported that children were less thirsty
- The children became more aware of their bodies and their body’s needs.
- More water was consumed during lunch breaks
It was highly recommended that pupils have access to fresh, chilled drinking water in schools and sports venues, preferably not in the toilet areas.
Water coolers are a source of fresh, cool, pure drinking water and many of the models can be colour-coded to your school/office, or home colour scheme, which makes them a focal point and an important item of furniture.
Office Water Coolers
London water cooler rental with Living-Water.