Our state of the art bottling facility meets all EIMBCA (European Independent Mains & bottled Cooler Association) standards. Our on-site laboratory constantly tests our water to make sure it is bottled in absolutely perfect condition. We continue this investment and commitment to hygiene to the point where you the customer serve yourself from one of our water dispensers.
Where possible our water coolers use a unique ice-bank system, direct chill or stainless steel reservoir cooling systems. Traditional dispensers (the dinosaurs) cool water in a plastic reservoir within the dispenser, a surface on which bacteria easily breeds.
Electronic taps eliminating contact between the taps and hands.
Our bottles offer 100% hygiene and use unique clip-on handles (far more comfortable to grip and handle). They also offer the best clarity and look superb.
We avoid where possible using the traditional hollow handled bottles as water sits inside the handle of the bottle. This is the area most at risk from bacteria as it is difficult to thoroughly clean (the cleaning water finds it difficult to reach into the handle with the same vigour and thoroughness as the rest of the bottle).
Research behind our bottles and coolers took a team of seven engineers and microbiologist years to develop while working with an external laboratory to perform bacterial tests. Our water coolers and bottles set a new industry standard for perfect hygiene.
Though our bottles and dispensers require us to make a significant additional investment, we believe the superior hygiene and superb looks are well worth the investment. Living-Water’s motto is only the best will do and we are constantly pushing to introduce new technologies in an industry renowned for its lack of dynamism.
Rent a water cooler or mains water cooler in London.