Gathering around the water cooler at the office is not a bad thing or a waste of time, in actual fact, research has shown that water cooler chats are actually a good thing because they ensure that personnel are well-hydrated, give their brains a rest and a boost, and avoid fatigue at the office.

While creating an environment where water cooler chat is allowed and comfortable for all is a great idea, there is definitely some etiquette that has to be followed, such as:

  • Discussing interests and hobbies in casual conversation will allow interpersonal relationships to grow stronger;
  • Asking questions is a great way to get to know your colleagues better, to find out what makes them tick as such, but be sure to keep the conversation light and unobtrusive;
  • Workplace chatter is a form of therapy, but be careful of sharing personal problems, as this can make people uncomfortable. Personal problems are best only discussed with good friends;
  • Watercooler chats are one of the best ways of discussing productive ideas in a relaxed atmosphere;
  • Do not hog the watercooler; some people just want to get a quick drink of water and not engage in conversation, so be aware of this and don’t push it;
  • Gossip and drama around the water cooler can become a real problem, so be careful about what you discuss and do not get emotional about something if you are having a bad day;
  • Keep the conversation light and avoid bringing up certain topics of conversation about which people are sensitive such as politics and religion. These conversations can become very heavy very quickly and lead to problems so save them for home and people you know.
  • It is an unspoken rule in the business world that money should never enter the conversation between employees, so do not discuss salaries. Promotions should also not be discussed.

Water cooler chats are important and good managers have realised this, as long as the guidelines outlined above are adhered to.