Water at Work - Should we be gossiping around the water dispenser?A recent newspaper which we did not hack but read in our own leisure time had a whole article about the need to be goal driven and focused and not allow oneself to be diverted. By staying strong and saying no to the so-called ‘water-cooler’ conversations at work is a good start as these conversations typically don’t provide any productive outcome.

The article drones on that what may appear harmless eating and socializing with co workers can draw one away from your goal driven focus and will become a habit and is neither fulfilling nor a good use of time.

Golly, I sure hope our office isn’t like the one this newspaper describes.  Being goal driven and work focused are extremely commendable, but modern workplaces cannot be straight backed and stereotyped in this manner – just yesterday I was reading about the worlds largest online Dating company Match.com who’s open plan offices include bean bags and table football tables, ping pong tables, etc – I don’t doubt that just because the staff take some time out to have a coffee using the hot on the water cooler and sit and socialize with some colleagues does not make them worse workers.

In all aspects of work you need balance, work and play can go together. At Living-Water we have a table football in our office and a punch bag for our cooler sales staff to take out any venom on (hope that’s not you refusing to take our call!!)

Some where there is a balance and if you are an office manager annoyed at the staff wasting time chit chatting around the cooler you could reduce this time by renting a Living-Water executive cooler which uses a pump to speed up the water flow giving a higher burst rate of water – costed for a ten person office this saves an estimated £251 in lost work time (see our previous blog as to how this was calculated

Though intrinsically there is nothing wrong spending time at the watercooler gossiping, our own Living-Water premium executive water coolers cut down on this unproductive time.

If you are the Office Manager, annoyed at constantly seeing unproductive time spent chatting around the cooler, we suggest you contact a Living-Water agent who will provide you with a written comparison quote of the estimated cost saving to be made by upgrading your cooler to one not relying on gravity.

Living-Water will provide a completely free cost benefit analysis of how our water coolers will improve not only your financial being as well as your environmental footprint well being.

Rent a cooler or purchase water coolers from Living-Water in London.