One indisputable fact of life is that nobody can do without fresh water; we all need to drink sufficient water on a daily basis to keep our bodies working efficiently, yet according to research, approximately 40% of individuals walk around at least partially dehydrated 80% of the time.

The human heart is around 73% water; the human brain is approximately 90% water; the biggest organ in the body, your skin, is 65% water; your muscles and kidneys are 79% water; and even your bones contain in the region of 31% water. The human body needs water to dispose of toxins via urination, to cushion our joints, to aid our digestion, to distribute oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in our body via the bloodstream, and much more, so we MUST drink water regularly throughout the day.

Some will argue that they do not drink water because most tap water does not taste good and often also has a strong chemical smell which puts many people off of drinking water. Drinking bottled water can become rather expensive over time and is really bad for the environment because although some bottles are recyclable, most of them still end up in landfills somewhere.

Reasons to Use a Water Filter

Drinking water regularly to stay hydrated and healthy is vital, but drinking tap water that may contain pollutants and toxins may be even more dangerous than not drinking water at all.

This is why using a water filter is so important:

  1. Tap water can contain toxins such as arsenic, chlorine by-products, fluoride, trace amounts of pharmaceuticals such as the pill as well as recreational drugs like cocaine;
  2. Death from water-related medical conditions, especially in many developing countries has been linked to the drinking of water contaminated with more than 2 100 known toxins;
  3. Toxins in drinking water can cause cancers such as bladder cancer, colon cancer, and bone cancer;
  4. Filtered water is toxin-free, tastes great and smells fresh; and
  5. Drinking fresh filtered water leads to healthy mental and physical development in children.

You can either purchase a tap water filter, a jug water filter, or even better, contact Living-Water, London’s premier water company for a free assessment and introduction to their great range of Mains Water Coolers fitted with the Living Water Triple Activated Carbon Filter.