If you’re having water delivered your office, it means you can enjoy a refreshing glass of water at the turn of a tap. Not everyone in the world is this fortunate. UNICEF estimates that 768 million people across the globe live without access to safe, clean drinking water.
The dangers attached to using or consuming unsafe water are primarily health related. Drinking contaminated water can lead to stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, muscle and joint pain, or, unfortunately, death. According to UNICEF, 1400 children die every day from diseases directly linked to unsafe water and a lack of basic sanitation facilities.
In 2007 UNICEF launched their Tap Project, in addition to existing projects, to help alleviate the plight of disadvantaged water users around the world. This year the Tap Project is going high-tech.
Donate water with your smart phone
Nearly every person on the planet has access to a smart phone, so UNICEF’s mobile app that lets users donate water makes perfect sense. To donate water, the cell phone user simply go to uniceftapproject.org on their Android, Windows or iOS enabled smart phone. Then the aim is to do nothing for 10 minutes. Yes – nothing.
For every 10 minutes that uniceftapproject.org runs on a smart phone, UNICEF and their sponsor will have raised enough money to supply water to a child for an entire day. This is based on UNICEF’s calculation that every 10 minutes a user unlocks less than $0.025, which is the amount needed to provide safe water to one person for one day.
The 10 minutes it takes to donate water will educate the user in addition to making clean water available to a child in need. UNICEF has loaded the uniceftapproject.org site with information and interesting statistics on the project, as well as water-related snippets.
UNICEF has made it easy to make a difference, so don’t think twice about helping provide safe water to a child in need. All it takes is 10 minutes of your time. You don’t even have to look at the screen if you don’t want to.
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