UK Drinking Water QualityThere are 29 companies providing the 64 million plus people in the UK with water, and the quality of the water has been confirmed more than once as being amongst the best in the world via tests carried out by the DWI.

There are more than 1500 treatment works that deliver water to homes and businesses via more than 420,000km of distribution mains. Water companies carry out around 4.5 million tests of the water, testing for approximately 50 different chemical and microbiological substances against very tough standards that have been set by law.

In 2014, a mere 2100 of the 4.5 million tests failed to attain the standards as set out, which means that the results are 99.96% compliant and proves that the water in the UK is of excellent quality.

While there are some legacy issues that need to be addressed in some areas, and there are various challenges such as climate change, pressures of population growth, and competing needs for the use of a limited resources.

The water industry in the UK has seen vast improvement over the past 25 years and is set to become even better in the next 25.

While the water industry still has much to do to maintain the public’s confidence and to promote tap water as the main source of healthy hydration, there has been major investment, and there is huge collaboration between regulators, stakeholders and governments to develop policies that are set to aid the industry in delivering its primary duty in the face of these challenges.

In short, tap water in the UK is of very good quality and one can safely drink it. Should you not wish to drink the tap water for any reason, such as the fact that it can sometimes smell or taste vaguely of chemicals, it may be a good idea to invest in a water cooler with a good filter that will ensure cool, clear, toxin-free, great-tasting drinking water.

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