UK Bottled Water - The Differences While all water sold for drinking in the United Kingdom is safe to consume, it can sometimes be difficult for those not from the area to understand the differences between the various categories of water and make an informed choice about what they want to drink.

In the UK, there are six types of liquid that may be labelled ˜water’ even though two of these are, in actual fact, soft drinks.

All bottled waters are regulated by the Food Standards Agency and must comply with European Parliament Directives that detail specific & stringent regulations that keep the public informed as to exactly what they are purchasing or drinking.

Soft Drinks

Some soft drinks are often confused with ˜water’ because the word is sometimes used in the name, but as soon as minerals, carbohydrate, vitamins, flavourings or sweeteners are added it actually becomes a soft drink.

Tap Water

Water companies treat drinking water supplies by adding disinfecting agents such as chlorine to the water; in some areas fluoride is also added.

There are three types of bottled water: Spring Water, Natural Mineral Water, and Table waters (referred to in law as ˜Other’ bottled water). All bottled water is governed by specific regulations and stringently regulated.

Spring Water

In the UK, Spring Water must originate from an underground source, be bottled at source and be microbiologically safe without treatment. However, certain other treatments are permitted for Spring Waters such as treatments that remove certain minerals as defined by the European Union Scientific Committee for Food.

Natural Mineral Water

Natural Mineral Water is defined as water that comes from an identified and protected source. It must be consistent in composition and naturally wholesome without any treatment. In some cases though, carbon dioxide may be added to the water to make it sparkle. Natural Mineral Water status is only granted to waters that are demonstrated to be free from pollution and have a characteristic stable composition.

Table Water

Bottled filtered tap water which is often referred to as Table Water by the industry, but is legally referred to in Regulations as ˜other bottled waters’.

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