The ocean is filled with incredible things. We rely on all of them to feed us, act as a transportation field, and control global temperatures. Nevertheless, even though we depend on them so much, we know little to nothing about them. Here are five things you’ve probably never heard of.

5 Incredible Things About the Oceans

  1. Most volcanic eruptions and activity take place in the ocean.

In the Pacific Ocean, there is a ring of fire where most of the world’s volcanic activity takes place. It stretches over 40,200 kilometers and has over 450 active volcanos.

  1. 95% of the world’s ocean remains unexplored.

Although humans have known about the unexplored mass of the ocean for years, we haven’t been able to explore much of it. More species live in the ocean than what we know or could ever imagine, which makes marine biology one of the most significant fields of study. Imagine discovering things that people didn’t even know exist.

  1. Pressure in the ocean is impossible to counteract.

The deeper you go down in the ocean, the higher the pressure is. For every 10.6 meters descending, the pressure will increase by 14.5 pounds per square inch. That’s also why it is challenging to discover most of the ocean. It requires an entire operation to go down with the proper equipment for exploration purposes.

  1. Tides and currents don’t work the same.

Oceans don’t standstill. Everything is always moving. Tides are waves moving in response to the force exerted by the sun and moon. There are a lot of factors that affect currents, which include water temperature and wind.

  1. There is one ocean, not several.

Different parts of the ocean have names to divide the ocean into smaller parts, yet there is only one ocean. It’s the global body of water that is interconnected by the names we have chosen to divide them in.