Thames Water is recommissioning three water works in London in order to keep taps flowing across the capital. Sites in Battersea, Brixton and Streatham, which have not been needed in recent years, are being switched back on to ensure there continues to be enough water to meet demand.

Thames Water continues to invest additional funds to improve performance, and as such is also readying several other redundant water works so that they can be brought into use quickly should the need arise.

Below average rainfall last winter, over the spring and during early summer has resulted in storage levels in some of the company’s reservoirs being way low; add to this the increased demand for water during periods of hot weather in June and July, and this has just added more pressure on resources.

The company is planning ahead in case of another fairly dry winter during which there is less than average rainfall, so that it can reduce the risk of water shortages next year and to help boost supply.

Paul Wetton, water production manager at Thames Water, said:

The dry weather we’ve had earlier this year has presented us with a big challenge as the lack of rain means levels in some of the rivers we source water from are lower than normal, and the hot weather means people use more water to drink, water their gardens and fill up paddling and swimming pools.

Sadly it’s not a case of reservoir levels returning to normal as soon as the weather cools down and we have a few days of rain, and it can take some considerable time for us to build up our reserves again, which is why having these extra treatment sites and boreholes back up and running is so important.

There’s also a drive to fix more leaks on our pipes to help conserve water too.

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